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This PlugIn uses ADPro to save images in GIF-format.


 ADPro   : Command-line which is executed automatically if
           ADPro doesn't run while invoking the saver,
           the default is "adpro:ADPro mm=1000000"
 Depth   : image depth (1...8)
 Dither  : turn dithering on or off
 Palette : use a dynamic or static palette


1) Dithering should be switched to "on" using small depths.
2) To save a sequence of images using the same (locked) palette
   you have to save the first picture with the "Palette=Unlocked"-option.
   Otherwise a "random" palette is used.
3) In combination with the  ConvertImages -PlugIn
   this saver may be very useful designing HTML-pages (gif-animations!)
   (Once again: Don't forget to set up the palette before saving
    an image-sequence with the same palette.)